Olivia Allen

Phone:(719) 445-2808; (719) 445-2809
Address:4578 Marmora Road, Glasgow


Olivia was born in one of Detroit’s poorest blocks, all before pursuing his successful managerial career in the future. For him, the breakthrough happened when he..

Last winter was very snowy and I decided to make a photo session to show all the beauty and pureness of this time. I love to shoot nature as well as people, so I this project compined both my passions. Althought, temperature was quite low I received much pleasure and created many fantastic photos.

I worked as a photographer on this amazing and fabulous wedding. The dress code was all white and the interrior was designed in white and beige colors. I didn’t notice as it was the end of the celebration. I love the photos I’ve got, and I enjoyed the newlyweds. Great time and experience for me.

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